Quote Me, Quote You

A lovely list of quotes and counter-quotes.

I need someone to protect me from all the measures they take in order to protect me.
-Banksy, street artist (b. 1974)

Banksy, were you referring to the seat belt law? Or the helmet law?

Why are lawmakers "protecting" adults from harming themselves? If a stubborn motorist refuses to fasten his seat belt and unfortunately gets involved in a vehicular accident, he only harms himself.

I believe it would be better if laws place more emphasis on protecting those who are not in a position to protect themselves. Like babies. I am completely in favor of requiring parents and guardians to install all the necessary safety gear for babies because they can't protect themselves, and they had no free will to say no to the trip in the first place.

Also, if we are truly concerned about protecting them, why is there no law that bans cigarette smoking within 20 feet of babies? Their fragile lungs are not ready for toxic second-hand smoke.

I'm with Banksy on this. Protect me from others, but there's no need to protect me from myself.

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