Quote Me, Quote You

A lovely list of quotes and counter-quotes.

Diarrhea is hereditary. It runs in the jeans.

Man, this quote reminded me of the time I gave in to gluttony and ate slabs of this interesting fish called gindara. I'm not sure if that's the fish's official name, but it was listed on the menu. Anyway, it tasted great, but little did I know that the blasted thing possessed mysterious powers.

I originally thought of sharing the stinky details but realized it would be more prudent to do otherwise. Cutting through the chase, gindara "captures" fatty oil inside your digestive system and expels it via your, uhm, rear end. Since you're dealing with oil, it's not easy to keep it inside. It will seek out every opportunity to escape. The result? Oily poop that demands immediate attention every few hours.  And even worse, oily flatulence! What you think is harmless gas is actually smelly oil eager to burst out to greet the world... and stain your undies in the process. And you know how easy it is to wash off oil on cloth... it won't go away without a fight!

So, remember the name: gindara. It won't kill you, but you'll die of embarrassment. You have been warned.

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